
Topic: Worst Quests You've Ever Finished

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I want to know what are the worst quests you've ever played in gaming.
Main quest, side quest, fetch quest... any quest that rubbed you up the wrong way, I wanna read 'em!




Hi! This is an original thread, and I have being thinking what would be my answer.

In general, I actively HATE all "escort quests", you know, the ones where you have to protect some character/groups of characters from some risk. This is worse, if the characters in question have next to no IA, and they are constantly dying because of it, lol. I think one like the GoldenEye mission when you have to protect Natalya.

And a more precise one I am thinking right now, It would be one from GTA: Vice City, the first one with RC vehicles (I think it's an RC helicopter). God, I hated that one. I replayed Vice City recently and man, those missions have not aged well, like AT ALL!


Xbox Gamertag: GarcianSmith


Im pretty sure that I never got past the racing car mission in the original Mafia game, but it was so long ago that I cant fully remember. However, i got past it in the remake, but later in the remake had a mission where you are in a car shooting at a plane…and the aim assist seems to completely switch off. I got through it, but not without a lot of swearing 😂 A fantastic game overall, but both the original and the remake had at least one point that almost drove me completely mad!



I don't have any doubts. Xenoblade Chronicles side quests. I mean the first game and I'm being specific because I loved the whole Xenoblade Chronicles X package.

@HarmanSmith You know, I was thinking of Goldeneye 007 while reading the first sentence of the second paragraph and then you mentioned it. It was quite a challenge. My favourite part is, "Oh, what a beautiful flower!" in the middle of the gunfire in the jungle.

What about you, @HelloCraig?


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