Site News: Family Gaming Database Brings New Accessibility Info To Pure Xbox

We're very pleased to announce today that Hookshot Media has entered into a partnership with the Family Gaming Database, bringing new accessibility information to Pure Xbox as well as Nintendo Life and Push Square.

As part of this, you'll now begin to see accessibility information on certain Pure Xbox game pages and reviews, including details on subtitles, controls, gameplay assists, audio features and a whole lot more.

Here's how the Family Gaming Database describes this accessibility data:

"The Family Gaming Database’s accessibility data has been developed in collaboration with a wide range of experts, professionals and players with lived experience of disability. The database analysts review games against over 100 data points to check for effective features rather than just options in menus. For example, a game may offer subtitles, but are these of a suitable size and contrast to be useful for players?

Currently, the database has close to 1,400 games assessed and over 26,000 data points recorded. The partnership with Hookshot Media will further resource the work required and expand both the scope and accuracy of this dataset."

This feature has already begun rolling out to many game pages here at Pure Xbox (such as Diablo 4 as seen in the image above), and you'll also notice a slightly different look to those pages courtesy of a recent design refresh.

If you want to check out some more examples, we'll throw some below:

Hookshot Media Founder and CEO Anthony Dickens had the following to say earlier today:

“We wanted to provide accessibility information for our readers, but do more than simply listing the settings a game offers. The partnership with Family Gaming Database enables us to highlight games that offer well-designed accessibility that makes a real difference to players. We also link to their full accessibility report for the full picture.”

As always, let us know your thoughts down in the comments below!